Frequently asked questions

Here’s a few questions that new members might have about our meetings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: London Comedy Writers is not a professional body that can commission, create or produce your work, nor can we offer representation for you as a writer.

Do I need to let you know I’m coming to a meeting?

No, it’s fine to just turn up on the night (but get there early to grab a chair). We can’t read any material you bring along on the night, so please submit your script in advance to get in the queue.

Is the meeting venue accessible?

We are based in the upstairs function room of the Old King's Head pub. Unfortunately, this is only accessible by stairs

When is the best time to bring my script to the group?

Your first draft will often have issues that you can fix yourself, so we suggest you submit the script at a stage when you’re happy to have it read but are still willing to do heavy re-writes. The group is very good at suggesting other directions a script could take and you can make the most of the feedback if you’re still willing to make changes.

Can I submit a feature length comedy script?

Sorry, the absolute maximum length we allow is 40 pages in standard screenplay formatting. We prefer sitcoms closer to 30 pages.

My script isn’t that funny... will the group read it?

If it isn’t that funny because it is an early draft, that’s fine. You’ll get lots of useful feedback to make it funny. If the script is not intended to be funny, then you should look at alternative groups with a focus on drama, or maybe theatre scratch nights.

How long will I have to wait to get my script read?

That depends on how often you come to meetings and how many people have scripts in line. It is possible to queue jump if someone drops out.

I’m writer-performer, can I read my own script?

You can... but we recommend that you don’t! Table reads are an important part of the development process and it’s easier to listen objectively and without distraction when you take a step back.

How many people attend meetings?

A typical meeting hosts 35 members. We count over 100 people as LCW regulars, and many old faces drop in from time to time.

How do I know someone won’t steal my great idea?

You don’t. But, given the volume of people who attend our meetings, plagiarism would be pretty hard for someone else to get away with. However, do bear in mind that people occasionally come up with the same ideas.

Will you read my script again now I’ve redrafted?

Potentially. To avoid repetition of feedback we would suggest you only do this if you have made extensive changes. Many of our writers choose to utilise what they’ve learned on a new episode of the same series. Again, how soon we get round to re-reading your sitcom depends on how many scripts are in line and how often you attend the group.

What can I do with my finished script?

You can submit it to competitions, any production company or theatre that accepts unsolicited script submissions, or record it yourself as a calling card. The Comedy Crowd are particularly interested in helping emerging talent produce new content.

Can I bring my dog?

Sorry, the venue currently does not permit dogs inside the premises.

Who’s in charge around here?

This is us, and what we do.

Next meeting (IN PERSON)

29 OCTOBER 2024, 19.00
Actors performing a sitcom table read at a London Comedy Writers meetingActors performing a sitcom table read at a London Comedy Writers meeting
What we do
LCW members giving feedback on a scriptLCW members giving feedback on a script
Join a meeting
Close up of a sketch script being read at a London Comedy Writers meetingClose up of a sketch script being read at a London Comedy Writers meeting